Tuesday, December 29, 2009
KSE in a challenging economy
Despite neither one having traditional academic credentials they possess what I call KSE, the Knowledge, Skills and Experience people acquire and amass over their years of employment. Their KSE affords them a confidence and competence such as computer build, (and networking) diagnostics, repair and more.
Acquiring KSE
He immersed himself in every tutor and mentoring opportunity alongside engineers and technicians to acquire much of his technology know-how during his years as a Dell employee. She absorbed hers through her Electrical Englneer big brother. He, for his seeming amusement and her utter frustration, would dismantle her computer for her to reassemble and reconfigure. It was a few years before she would reflect and appreciate the gift he gave his litle sister.
Networking with buddies/working from home
It would not be difficult, he says, to connect with a couple of his tech buddies to take on some technology projects. Sound familiar? The problem, he explains, is finding the clientele to sustain their business enterprise. Sound familiar? She would love nothing better than to be able utilize her tech skills to supplement the family income from the comfort of their home with their children. Sound familiar?
Innovation in a challenging economy
Business technology needs versus family economic needs are not totally unrelated, folks. Aren't you amazed by some of the innovative sales ideas which have emerged with our challenging economy? Can you recall ever hearing a car dealer encourage people to buy a new car and the dealer would make the payments for a period of time if the buyer lost their job? Or, you can bring that car right back without any problems! Lets not foolishly assume there aren't conditions with these offers, but the point to note is the innovation of business to meet their sales demands while meeting the economic needs of the family.
The independent Enterprise Network model
The Independent Enterprise Network model is the meeting point between business technology needs and family economic needs. Any skepticism could be no less foolish than those who fail to understand the car dealer's offer. Whatever skepticism you have about the IE-Network may be affecting your profitabilty and ability to recruit consultants and take on technology projects. Something else about our challenging economy. Have you noticed how business turns to the small areas it had ignored or overlooked in the past? The whitebox/whitebook market remains an ignored, overlooked area of profit potential.
A good practice
Business owners rely on their shop, floor and store managers to make the best decisions to enhance and constantly build their profit margins. Are you sure they're not ingnoring or overlooking areas of profit potential riding out the economy while riding on the security of a paycheck from you? A good inventory audit practice is check your stock and your business management.
The IE-Network model brings together independent consultants and independent retailers/resellers in areas including computer technology, apparel and more.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Best Buy Offering $197 HP Laptop on Black Friday
However, even at $197 it's way over budget for much of the untapped no-brand, whitebox/whitebook computer buyer in America. Whitebox/whitebook is the industry term which refers to generic desktop/laptop computers. Still, Best Buy does show the resourcefulness of big business to market their product.
My repeat efforts to present the IE-Network model to a major computer manufacturer have been ignored. Yet, their desire and efforts to break into the whitebox market were similarly ignored by that same market.
The whitebox market requires no less resourcefulness by at-home independent consultants, resellers and retailers. Certainly, the market is no less accessible for them then it is for major retailers and manufacturers.
Now, for the past several months, my focus has centered on computer component retailers and resellers. Any other time I would, grudgingly, understand such quickness to brush-off a network idea not in their business strategies manual.
But, in this economy who can afford to continue with the same mindset and attitude of business as usual?
Of course, IE-Networks are quite capable of providing much more than desktop and laptops for small business. Furthermore, small business is able to pace their spending. There's no need to lock into extraordinary budgeting structures. Rather, they simply absorb these developmental expenditures into the daily business operations and as profits permit.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sewing Machine sales soar
The HSA would not make any claims as to who was doing the sewing for profit or pleasure. Their sound estimates were on the basis of overall sewing machine sales in America. Although sewing machine manufacturers were unwilling to provide specific figures so the HSA, I believe, may have compiled the data from retailer sales.
I was especially pleased to learn of this figure from the HSA. What pleased me about it was that it supported one of my own conclusions. Namely, that there are vast numbers of people who have acquired, and in some instances amassed, a great deal of Knowledge, Skills and Experience in the production of apparel. Some of these are the same talented individuals whom the government categorizes as "non to low-skilled workers". Others include people who have studied the craft (my apologies if that is not the prefered term) through school even to obtaining a higher education degree in the field of apparel. Still others to be included are those who have an inbred know-how, a knack, which seems as easy and natural as breathing to them while others need to work diligently to attain.
The IE-Network model is all about bringing together those talented individuals, as local independent consultant/contractors, with local independent apparel retailers for fulfillment of their apparel production, design and related needs . . . for profit. Other possible target areas for networkers include prom dresses, soccer team uniforms and more.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Building in the Whitebox Market
Those two short simple steps are essential to 1) you tapping into the whitebox/whitebook market, and 2) enabling low-income and other consumers to acquire their own custom-made computer. Reality check here: The computer industry giants would love to, but lack the creativity to reach this vast, multi-billion dollar market.
While it is possible to buy a new low-cost computer for as little as $500 the reality is that is way out of reach for many Americans. How do you enable them to buy it and creative a source of revenue for yourself?
The next time your co-worker or neighbor has $10 to spare send him with grocery list in hand for a mouse and keyboard. Then, you guide him through this process every month or as often as he has discretionary funds adding every purchase to his parts list. Leave the pricier items for the last. He stores all parts until at the end of 8 months or so he has all the parts and is ready for you to assemble it.
Perhaps you may no longer be in the frame of mind to build computers or you're going on vacation. What does he do? He takes his parts inventory list to another network tech or computer hobbyist who is willing to build it maybe for even more than your fee. You both agree on a fee and your neighbor has his new computer.
After all numbers are tallied your neighbor sees he paid $750 for a computer he saw at the corner reseller for $500. Did you rip him off? No. The only thing he paid directly to the tech was the agreed upon assembly fee.
Here's the leverage dynamic of the IE-Network over all manufacturers, retailers, resellers, credit, down payment and layaway plans. The manner in which he has purchased his components might total more than the store unit, but he was able to absorb the cost into his daily living expenses. He's not going to find that plan anywhere else.
The question for you to answer: How much of a clientele among friends, neighbors, co-workers or business clients you are able to assist and generate income with their piecemeal computer component purchase? Your clients may come through word-of-mouth or the IC-TechNetwork.
As is true of individuals so too of small businesses. If small businesses have someone who is able to send them with grocery list in hand to acquire their new computer systems, networking components and servers piecemeal, that is, one component at a time without it being an economic burden they would be among those who mange their business the smart way.
The problem for individuals and small business is not that they are unable to purchase components. Their unanswered question, up to now is, why bother with component purchase if I don't have the time or know-how to build it? Clearly, and particularly for small business, there might be bigger things of interest and need beyond desktops and laptops. Having a local independent consultant network which individuals and small businesses can tap for their technology products and services needs is no small matter.
How small of a piece of the multi-billion dollar whitebox market would be big enough for you?
Prom . . . Every Year
Every year Prom comes around at the local high school.
Every year girls scramble to find the perfect prom dress. Most likely they end up settling for something less than perfect either in terms of fabric, style, color, size, fit or cost.
Every year, at least for the past three years, I have called the same talented people to come together as a independent network of designers to provide a needed service for these seasonal clients, and _ create income for themselves and their families.
Every year the apparel industry offers these young ladies the standard one-size-fits-none off-the-rack dresses.
Every year, for the past several years, the industry has continued to its doors on the creative talent of apparel makers who are now employed at McDonald's, Walmart or 7Eleven.
Every year there are young ladies who opt for the $100 Prom Dress specials who then spend an additional $60 for alterations.
Lets suppose mom and daughter shop for and buy fabric and pattern. Lets say they spent $40. They contact you through word-of-mouth or the IE-Network and retain your services. You settle for the agreed service fee of $10, 30, 60 or $80? Your fee is yours and nobody else's business.
If mom and daughter spent $120 dollars for a dress to their personal satisfaction in terms of fabric, style, color, size, fit and cost with your personal service I would say that is a mutually satisfying and profitable relationship for all.
Now, the only question is how many clients are you willing to take on to deliver total customer satisfaction. Although school district adiministrations and individual campuses are not likely to (Yes, I have tried) allow the exposure of students to a community member nonetheless there are eager, willing entreprenuers on campus who would not miss out on the opportunity to collect Prom Dress orders on campus and deliver to you for a fee.
Every year is now. This is your call to get ready. Will you do it or miss out again?
Consider this Prom pre-season. The Prom door will open soon. Will you be ready? You as an individual or a network member can easily deliver orders on-demand for specialty and other apparel retailers in Round Rock and Austin. Folks! The IE-Network model goes from its local Round Rock origins to regional, to state to nationwide. Why are you still waiting to call on me to come speak to your group?
You need to get your name and information on the PROM-DRESS NETWORK. Make it happen . . . every year.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
At-home computer system, network direct builders
You are invited to give me some much valued information. Take the poll I have posted on Directron.com.
Thank you.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Made in Texas
Made in Texas
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
IE-Network direct model Q and A
IE-Network members are . . .
a. local, at-home custom to-order product consultants.
b. a broad range of Knowledge, Skills and Experience.
c. spread from local to regional to state to nationwide locations.
d. able to deliver custom merchandise at affordable prices.
e. free to transact business with or w/o network members.
f. ever expanding their business influence and revenue opportunites.
IE-Network members . . .
a. organize to determine best product delivery for local client.
b. breakdown production single and volume production orders.
- units per consultant
- timeframe for expected product delivery to client
- materials purchase/handling
c. provide other services including alterations, design, pattern-making, fitting.
- prom dresses
- special occassion wear
d. support retail store IE-Network blog display with contact information and order request fulfillment. (see III f)
IE-Networks . . .
a. direct model allows for inventory reduction or elimination.
b. allows for creation of your own private label.
c. allows for quick return of direct model merchandise purchase investments.
d. are a ready source of ideas and creativity.
e. are respond-ready for shopper order requests generated by blog information display.
IE-Network membership enrollments . . .
a. Are limited to Round Rock/Austin Texas area . . . for now.
b. Are through direct, personal contact, only.
c. Are not available through radio, tv, internet, telephone or postal registration.
d. Require signature of one-page Agreement with full details.
e. Are $120 (consultants), $180 (retailers)
If you live within this area you may contact Gilbert Torres for arrangements to meet with you or your group at GTorresCUE@gmail.com or call 512.218.4627 and leave your message.
I am available to speak to your church women's or men's group. I cover my own travel expenses. There are no speaker fees.
If you live outside but close to the area contact me.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Taken for granted
Look around at all the things you own or use in your everyday life and which you take for granted. I do not mean the practical, valuable use of those things. Rather, I am thinking of the struggle those people went through in pursuit of their dream and did not give up. As a result you and I now enjoy the fruits of their labors.
I think of Thomas Watson, IBM founder, how his own family snickered at his mention his clock and tabulation machine manufacturer would some day be the biggest in the world.
I think of Michael Dell, alone in a tiny kiosk at a trade show he managed to squeeze in because of a vendor's cancelation at the last hour. Those same engineers from across the way would eventually get past their snickering to seek employment with the young men just two or three years later.
I think of Thomas Edison who went through over more than a thousand light bulbs before he finally got the lasting results. Do you suppose all who knew him rallied their support behind him over such a insane idea as creating a light fixture. And even if he were to make a light bulb how was that going to earn him money? By selling it? Who would want to pay for such a useless thing?
Walt Disney endured the ridicule of his wife who mocked "whose going to want come and pay to see dwarfs at a park".
One thing to note is these individuals, whether young or old, had their families in mind primarily and secondarily those who would benefit and be blessing through their work. I do not believe any of these individuals set out to amass a fortune. It was merely a by-product of their dream come true.
Dream on, everybody.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Followers of this blog
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Increasing Value of KSE
I'm sure there are actually people who stuff their money in mattresses and pillows rather than trust the banks. The sad thing about that is that while they may not lose their money their money can lose its value.
There are a few things which 1) can not be taken from the individual, 2) do not lose their value regardless of the economy, and 3) may even increase in value. Most recently, I have described this personal wealth as your intellectual property. I know that's a term usually found in the technology world. However, the Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE) you have acquired and amassed over the years are your personal wealth, your intellectual property and is one of those few things mentioned above.
KSE is what employees acquire and develop and which enables them to do a job for their employer and to do it progressively better, more efficiently and more economically which produces greater profits for the employer. Some people never realize, never assess, their personal wealth. They never think how they can invest it for their own gain. Some who think they would like to use or invest their KSE for their own gain do not know how. Still others who do use their KSE are rarely ever able to do more than have a job of their own. Finally, others attempt only to fail and return to the regular job.
I have been crying out for the past several years the virtues and good economic sense of Independent Enterprise Networks as the perfect means for you to invest your KSE in the development of your own enterprise.
Even while you remain unemployed your KSE remains in your possession. It was not lost with your job. Your KSE has not lost value. On the contrary, it continues to increase in value because some of the same employers and small businesses who could no longer afford to keep you on payroll would gladly buy your services as an independent Constractor/Consultant, not an employee. Employees on payroll represent a drain on companies, a liability risk and a need to provide steady hours of work for them.
The IE-Network model has its local roots, but can quickly expand to regional than statewide than interstate business. You, if you wish, need never leave the comfort of your local stomping grounds. A local group of individuals who bring together their wealth resources, that is, their KSE for investment in the IE-Network, represent an attractive option for employers and businesses eager to seize the opportunity to move forward.
Opportunity is knocking at your door. Answer it.
Apparel & Computer manufacturing
There’s an interesting contrast between the apparel and computer manufacturing industries in these short articles. I have listed the important points in both articles for an easy comparison. These are things which concern both industries as well as independent consultants, resellers and retailers, too. Especifically, the objectives of growth and reduction of costs are commmon to both whether your manufacturing partner is a party of more than one, local or overseas.
The Independent Consultant (Independent Contractor, Independent Enterprise) Network model is well suited for addressing those areas of primary concern; finding a manufacturing partner, growth, cost reduction and profit margin increase. As independents, the life (or death) of the partnership whose life purpose stems from 1) design, 2) manufacturing and logistics, 3) materials and 4) operating expenses, is dependent on the service provider as the service recipient network members. The risk is nominal, because neither one has great amounts of money invested. The IE-Network at-home model is local, regional, statewide and nationwide beginning in Round Rock, Texas.
A verifiable set of information to obtain when looking for an apparel manufacturer:
their facility the
number of people they employ
their bank references
their customers' references
their management team.
The areas of growth in computer manufacturing:
global consumer
small and medium enterprise
emerging countries, while improving profitability and cash returns
The actions of growth in computer manufacturing: reduce total product costs across all areas, including
1 design
2 manufacturing and logistics
3 materials
4 operating expenses
Apparel manufacturing in Texas
A manufacturing facility in Texas. That's one I've heard in conversations with seasoned former apparel workers. I've read it in the Austin American-Statesman, among others. Up and coming couturiers in Austin search for that elusive manufacturing facility. If it exists it's a well-kept secret.
What is not a secret is the extraordinary number of displaced apparel workers. How about the fact Texas, formerly the nation's number one in apparel manufacturing, is number one in the number of displaced apparel workers. I have a good friend who is an extremely talented and knowledgeable individual. Her experience ranges from production worker to trainer to supervisor to the wheeling and dealing for fabric that once bustled back and forth between the US and Mexico border. "If a manufacturing facility were to open in Austin it could be fully staffed with 500 workers in one month" she says. I won't argue with her. I believe she is right.
However, it would probably not be more than a month before the cost of operations, including labor, machinery and materials, would drive the manufacturer (as well as contractors and subcontractors) to squeeze "more for less" from (low) paid workers in order to accommodate suppliers and retailers. Therein are the seedlings for sweatshops, outsourcing and a product dubbed by disillusioned consumers as, "one size fits none". I do not wish to be a party to such.
A virtual apparel manufacturing facility
The cyber world of the Internet has revealed you do not necessarily need to be physically present to have a virtual experience of something in your senses. The automotive and real estate industries have marketed successfully many a sale by providing their clients the opportunity of a virtual experience of the car or home of their choice before they buy it. It's not a stretch to envision a virtual apparel manufacturing (VAM) facility without the existence of a plant in the conventional sense. Do you necessarily need 500 people working multiple shifts in one physical locale to create an apparel experience for you?
What prevents a VAM facility from taking root in Texas? Old thinking.
Independent apparel producers and independent retailers can have a face-to-face, personal and dignified, mutually beneficial business relationship. It's more than "someone in the 500" or a worker abroad whose gender, age and working conditions are unknown to you.
The elements
The elements of a VAM facility include: a home. Throughout homes in Texas (and America) are individuals experienced as pattern-makers, cutters, sewers, quality control and more. The popular credit card commerical comes to mind:
Conventional apparel manufacturing in America: costly
"Conventional " overseas : cheap*
"Virtual " America : priceless *
America has seen what "cheap" got us in pet food, human food, children's toys and apparel all in 2007. There are more than a few who would take up the opportunity of using their resources to create an at-home income as being priceless. No one individual is likely to possess, or would want necessarily, to "do it all". Each one contributes to the process as they wish, are able and agreed upon by business parties. What is important to understand is the skills that populated the production floor are in homes in your community.
How do individuals in a VAM facility come together? The are brought together through Independent Contractor Networks to "staff", not so much a "facility", as a network.
Networks create an environment of interaction for retailers and apparel producers
Networks create a constant growing source of talent retailers may need to meet apparel demands
Networks create revenue for members whether retailer or apparel producer
Networks create a salesforce for your product among apparel producers
Networks start locally, but grow regionally, state and nationwide
Networks grow exponentially
Business owners are familiar with risk and loss. You know how to assess risk. You know how to manage risk when you determine to take it on. You know how to overcome loss.
There's no greater truth than to, "love one another", to "do" good for one another just as you would have it done to you.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sign The Petition
There is a matter of urgency which requires your political activisim. Perhaps neither you nor your friends are independent apparel makers, but somewhere it is likely the clothes you and your friends wear may well have been designed or produced by an independent individual or small group of independent contractors/consultants.
Kathleen Fasanella, owner of Fashion Incubator blog, has a much longer history in her (and mine) drive to make people aware and rallying them to sign the petition Design Prohibition Piracy Act. She has provided all the reading and links if you wish to delve deeper in the subject.
Your signature (this is the "political activism" part) requires no more than just that, _ your signature, yet its impact on behalf of independent designers, producers will be significant.
As my church knows my interest and passion for independent contractor/consultants in apparel design and production I will ask our staff to send this out to the entire church body. I will post this on mychurch.org as well.
Just do it.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The nine pointts below are taken from a small, aggressive apparel manufacturer's site. The claims, explanations and services are quite typical. They are not outlandish.
They could as well be made by a local Independent Designer Group (IDG) in Round Rock, region, state or in the USA. Most of these manufacturers, so called, independent contractors consist of a small employee workforce numbering from as few as 5 to as many as 16 or 20. This is the single biggest difference from the IDG which is the combined, collaborative effort of truly independent contractors/consultants.
1 Made in the U.S.A. quality and service.
2 Low production minimums.
3 Quick turn around times compared to international manufacturing.
4 Project management.
5 A phone call away from painless communication.
6 North American Customers, no need to pay duties, beauracracies, tariffs or high shipping costs.
7 U.S.A made products are popular all over the world. With the low dollar, your business has a competitive advantage of entering the higher end markets around the globe.
8 U.S.A. made products can be easily exported to NAFTA countries (Canada and Mexico).
9 Supporting American Jobs and industry.
Although IDG members are independent they are not immune or exempt to market demands. An IDG must deliver if it is to survive and thrive. Like any business entity an IDG will produce its own offspring of individuals who are either attractive to the IDGs clients or who simply go out on their own once they have seen their own capabilities and opportunties in the market.
* * *
The PROM-DRESS NETWORK link on this blog is not limited to prom dresses. You are invited to post your information. It is free.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Layaway the IDG way
Layaway is one of those old retail business practices which has made its way back into daily business. Layaway, as a purchase plan, became popular in American retail during the 1930s Depression. It allowed people in serious economic struggle to purchase items otherwise out of their reach through a simple plan. Basically, the retailer retained possession of the merchandise until the buyer paid for it over a short timeframe from four to twelve weeks.
Since fall of 2008 Burlington Coat Factory, Kmart, Sears and Marshall's have reinstated the layaway plan.
What would a layaway plan look like and benefit consumer and retailer through the apparel Independent Consultant/Contractor Network model?
The creation of the local Independent Design Group (IDG) is self replication. You are the best. You know those closest to you and can readily identify others with top quality skills and service in apparel to bring into a network alliance. The IDG can easily implement a self-styled layaway plan of its own. I use the term "design" in a very general sense to include pattern-making, assembly, alteration and everything necessary to produce an apparel item to the customer's satisfaction. The IDG generates revenues for all members.
1 Network retailer members simply post in their boutique the IDG service for their customers and clients.
2 IDG members advise or recommend options to the client: Purchase a pattern, have one made, recommend fabrics, styles. The pattern is their property and is reusable and alterable.
3 The customer/client (CC) purchases/saves their pattern, fabrics and as well as their service fee. Whether it takes the CC one or two months neither consultant nor retailer have any investment tied up.
In the same manner as layaway plans work, IDG members can secure a portion of the service fee at the time they receive the order is delivered to them. Service by IDG members is either through the retailer or directly with the CC with compensation coming from either the retailer or the CC.
Layaway, the IDG way, is a practical, economic means for consumer and consultant/retailer alike to benefit in this present opportunity. Major retailers have shown their readiness and willingness to accept lessons and instruction in this economic environment. Independent retailer are equally capable of learning and implementing layaway for their gain and ultimate survival.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Pattern Making Job
Thank you for your time, Naveed.
"Let no man despise your youth; . . ." I Timothy 4:12
Every time I receive an email requesting my assistance I count it as yet another possibilty. The possibility of independent consultant and retailers in apparel partnering together to create effective, economic, expanding networks. Networks which begin with local roots then grow to regional, state and nationwide generating income for network members.
I received just such an email from Naveed last week. Naveed is a high school teenager with big dreams. I commend and praise him for his dream. The quotation above is a reminder written by the apostle Paul to a young man named Timothy to allow no man despise his youth. There are just too many examples of young teenage dreamers in numerous fields who had a dream and knew nothing better than to follow it.
At this writing Naveed informs me he has received replies from the network in my email distribution list. If you are interested contact him by posting your comment to this post.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Wise Ant
If you have a desire and willingness to tutor you need to checkout Wyzant. They have done a truly great job of using the independent contractor model in compliance with government standards and ensuring you, the independent contractor/tutor receive your compensation. Too often the contractor model is compromised when parties involved try to create their own contractor/client agreement only to create difficulties with the government, but the folks at Wyzant have been quite thorough and upfront.
The range of topics available for tutoring range from accountany to Bible to general computer, sewing, soccer and much more.
I am registered to tutor English and Spanish as well as other subjects.
Also, if you need assistance updating or creating your resume you need to take advantage of a free service of the Round Rock library. I teach this class. The course content repeats every week so you don't miss out on anything from week to week.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Qualities of a job
- Security
- Income
- Benefits
- Retirement
Simply stated a job is an age-old social contract between employer and employee. I do not wish to knock it, but there are other options.
The network model is an option with which I encourage you to become familiar:
- Security - You work it or leave it, but it remains securely your network. No one takes it from you.
- Steady income - It starts small and slow, but it is ever increasing in size.
- Benefits - The benefit of being able to associate with others whose pursuits for their financial freedom are just like yours.
- Retirement - A network continues to grow in size and revenue it generates well into your retirement.
You are welcome to post your comments or questions regarding this post or you may email to GTorresCUE@gmail.com
Selected links:
Friday, April 03, 2009
Got Network?
I am not a Luddite. Luddites were factory workers in the early 1800 who destroyed machinery in northern England. Their actions were in protest to the loss of business taken over by factories.
I will not expend my time and energy in protesting the forward march of technology businesses and labor organizations in America. I choose to focus my actions on the vast resources, both natural and human, on the impact of offshore factories, unfulfilled workers and abandoned markets in America.
These markets have never been dominated, though they have tried, by the mega technology corporations. Specifically,I refer to the low-income consumer whitebox (generic desktops, whitebooks laptop computers) market with an estimated value of over 2 billion dollars. The expense of a computer purchase, while desirable to some is not a priority for the low-income consumer. Manufactureres, retailers or resellers have all failed to develop profitable technology sales strategies for this huge target market... Even midsize businesses do without needed technologies because there too there are no realistic technology sales strategies for them by manufacturers, retailers and resellers or mainstream technology services companies.
You may wonder what chance you have to succeed against behemonth manufacturing or food corporations. I too wondered what chance the man with a dream of owning a hamburger stand have against McDonald's or a consultant with his/her technology services. Then I thought of displaced workers tapping into unfulfilled markets and I realize that although a surplus income of $10,000 a year, for example, is nothing compared to Dell that's $10,000 in his/her pocket, not an employer.
I believe people acquire and in some instances amass vast Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE) over the course of their employment. This KSE is their wealth of resources. When two or more of these individuals network together each contributing their KSE they are no less capable as consultants than employees to take-on and fulfill service projects for small to midsize businesses. The group is able to assess by their skills and experience what projects they can seek out including setting up complete systems, networking, wireless, free software options and more.
As individuals in their communties they are in the perfect position to offer the low-income consumer the opportunity of a computer purchase. Using discount retailer, reseller resources the consumer is sent grocery list in hand with his $10 to purchase keyboard and mouse. Next month he goes with $20 in hand and purchases a hard-drive. He continues until six months later he has all components ready for you to assemble for the agreed upon fee. In the end he may well have paid a bit more than the least expensive system, but he was able to absorb the cost, without pressure, into his daily living expenses. There is no manufacturer, retailer or reseller that is ever going to offer him (or small to midsize businesses) that kind of a piece-part layaway plan.
Is there any reason why the same piece-part approach couldnt' be beneficial and profitable for small and midsize business involving networking, systems integration or even software application installation/training?
How do displaced (or even the gainfully employed) workers with their KSE come together? They come together through local, regional, state and national networks. These networks are not just buddy hangouts, but they are sources of
- personal revenues from individual or group projects,
- residual income generated from their own organizaton, and
- bonuses paid the networker by the company.
Selected posts:
Apparel & Computer manufacturing
Affordable computers in our economy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dell partners with distributors
It pleases me to see this great change in strategy by Dell for itself and what it means to its employment force. I am especially pleased because this strategy resembles my business model idea I posted on Ideastorm a while back complete with an expanded choice of product offerings.Dell, with this action, is one step closer and perhaps more amenable to step into the opportune role I proposed a while back, that of distributor. What could Dell do in the role of distributor? Allow, in the most cost-efficient, low-risk manner, a network of independent consultants, resellers who are able to do what major manufacturers have been unable to do: Reach the low-income consumer with generic products.
Dell receives online or call-in orders from consultants. These, technicians, engineers, hobbyists, students and others either out of social altruism or to generate revenue for themselves do not need pre-configured systems. They do just fine with system components boxed and shipped to them. The Dell labor cost clock stops the moment parts are boxed and sealed.
One last point in which I find much satisfaction is how Dell has addressed the warranty assignment issue with its newfound distributor partners. It is satisfying to me because I learned from Michael Dell one need not know how to solve a problem. You just need to get someone who knows how. While shipping system components to network consultants likely may raise anew the warranty issue, I am confident it too can be addressed satisfactorily for all. My best wishes for all at Dell.
Select posts:
IE-Networks and H-1B foreign and American workers
Jobseekers' Ministry - Get your resume
Computers for kids Tech Volunteers
YouTube videos
Friday, March 27, 2009
IE-Networks and H-1B foreign and American workers
Unemployed H-1B visa foreign workers
Uemployed American workers
Employed foreign H-1B visa workers
The combined talent, diversity, experience, and resourcefulness of these in a team driven by a mutual desire not only to survive, but to thrive in our present economy. The requirements and performance for delivery of customer satisfaction is the same as when they deliver it as employees. Now, as IE-Networkers, they are committed to the utmost in customer satisfaction as consultants, each one contributing to the efficienct, effective, economic and profitable succes of the network.
Who said these same individuals can't partner together merely because they are not employees? The wonderful dynamics at play between network members is akin to what we all do every day. We drive down the streets and highways alongside people we do not trusting everyone will do their part to ensure we arrive at our intended destination safely. Does that transportation system ever fail? Yes, but accidents are the rare exception and not the rule. Is it possible a network can encounter an accident in its team operation or delivery? Yes. When it happens it's the employer or the police who will step in and fix it. It's the business expectation and need of network entrepreneurs to make things right and continue.
Who said small business would never listen to a group of highly talented and skilled consultants capable and willing to deliver their services? Although in a down economy companies lay off workers it's also a time when many of them will retool, realign and upgrade. Most small, even mid-size companies, consider technical support far out of their economic reach. A network would enable them to tap into the best in IT talent.
IE-Networks generate revenues for members in increasing forms through 1) personal income from individual projects, 2) residual income consisting of percentages received from the networker's organization and paid out to them by TSR, Inc., and 3) bonuses paid out to the networker as their organization revenues for TSR, Inc hit predetermined amounts resulting in increasing, regular bonuses. Small business owners, too, have the same opportunity as consultants to obtain network membership and generate revenues for themselves.
All networker members, whether individual consultants or small businesses are free to conduct business wherever and whomever they choose provided TSR, Inc is authorized to conduct business in that state. Presently, TSR, Inc plans are to launch from Round Rock Texas and proceed from a local, to regional, to state to nationwide networks.
Lastly, I believe IE-Networks are the best, most effective grassroots means of taking hold of many things which have gotten away from the American worker to the hurt of his family and country. There's no need to engage in bitter, vile exchanges against this group or that group, but do what you know you can do and must do to strengthen yourself economically whether you are an H-1B foreign worker, or an American worker affected by H-1B foreign workers facing deportation or unemployment, respectively.
You can read through some of the articles in this blog or view the recent YouTube videos. Both sources explain the IE-Network business model for consultants and retailers, resellers or small business. If you've never thought of developing a network as a source of revenue it's time you look into it and do it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Jobseekers' Ministry - Get your resume
So, I know there are many of you out there in the Round Rock, Austin area without a job. You also don't have a resume. You need a well-written resume.
The Jobseekers' Ministry is a free, no-cost resume assistance workshop of the Round Rock Church of Christ. I myself along with others involved in this ministry will help you create or update your resume. You do the talking. I do the typing. Some things we hope you will gain:
- Networking - Stop going at it alone. Meet and connect with others.
- Job search techniques - I am often surprised at some basics even the well-informed don't know about job search techniques.
- Encouragement - You need it.
Aun, si gusta le atenderemos en espanol en la preparacion de su resumen en donde usted detalla sus habilidades, historia y experiencias de empleo.
The Jobseekers' Ministry is not a Bible study. It is free. It is available every Sunday at 1:00PM.
(Except first Sunday of the month when the church holds an outdoors meal. You are welcome to stay for that meal on first Sunday.)
Bring your own sandwich and soft drink.
Get it done! Now!
You may contact me at:
Gilbert Torres
218.4627 Leave a message.
Round Rock Church of Christ
1200 N. Georgetown Street
Round Rock, TX 78664
- Networking - Stop going at it alone. Meet and connect with others.
- Job search techniques - I am often surprised at some basics even the well-informed don't know about job search techniques.
- Encouragement - You need it.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Computers for kids Tech Volunteers
If you have ever wondered how you could possibly help put computers in the hands of children from low-income families you need not wonder any longer. If you are a technician, engineer, student, hobbyist or other person with the computer know-how and would like to donate your expertise contact Ken Starks.
Ken created his non-profit Helios Project with the specific purpose of making a difference in the academic lives of these young children by providing them free, no-cost computers. They are located in North Austin near Howard Lane and Interstate 35.
Ken's organization builds, delivers and installs anywhere from 3 to 15 computers a week to disadvantaged kids in the Central Texas area. They have also taken on a newly-opened community center in East Austiin as a project and are currently building them a complete learning center for the neighborhood kids.
There will be 16 fully-functioning computers there by the time they finish. Not only are they supplying the machines, they will be rotating class facilitators in every week to teach them the basics of computer and internet use. Tom King will be offering a class on beginning programming for those interested.
The team has the Linux Against Poverty Project they expect to launch in August and it is expected to be a big deal. Interested to get involved with this great work?
You may reach Ken at 512-739-9707.
Email: helios@fixedbylinux.com
Always, your computer hardware, as well as cash, donations are welcome.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Polls - March 21
Thank you.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Poll questions
I appreciate your support.
Thank you,
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
TSR membership
How to obtain your TSR IE-Network membership.
Always, your comments and questions are welcome.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
YouTube videos
Here they are, at last.
I expect I will redo these videos. It's no fun talking to a camera in a small room. I much prefer the live stage. Also, it doesn't help when you're shooting in a reserved room in the library. ssshhhh!!!
I not only had to wade through a self-taught crash course on video making, editing, uploading and all that business, but I had to make a clear presentation. Actually, I do have a friend who provided some great assistance. I admit it is not as pure (no fault of my friend) as I would like, but I am not going to keep any perfectionism (which I am not!) from posting the videos.
I intend to breakdown the whole business presentation into short videos. I would not subject your eyes to a long painful ordeal. Believe me, I am shooting for a two-minute video as ideal.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
America's Edge
We live in a networked world. War is networked: the power of terrorists and the militaries that would defeat them depend on small, mobile groups of warriors connected to one another and to intelligence, communications, and support networks. Diplomacy is networked: managing international crises -- from SARS to climate change -- requires mobilizing international networks of public and private actors. Business is networked: every CEO advice manual published in the past decade has focused on the shift from the vertical world of hierarchy to the horizontal world of networks. Media are networked: online blogs and other forms of participatory media depend on contributions from readers to create a vast, networked conversation. Society is networked: the world of MySpace is creating a global world of "OurSpace," linking hundreds of millions of individuals across continents. Even religion is networked: as the pastor Rick Warren has argued, "The only thing big enough to solve the problems of spiritual emptiness, selfish leadership, poverty, disease, and ignorance is the network of millions of churches all around the world."
. . . and here the first sentence of the second paragraph:
In this world, the measure of power is connectedness.
and more
Businesses in the United States can orchestrate global networks of producers and suppliers. Consumers can buy locally, from revived local agricultural and customized small-business economies, and at the same time globally, from anywhere that can advertise online. The United States has the potential to be the most innovative and dynamic society anywhere in the world.
The power that flows from this type of connectivity is not the power to impose outcomes. Networks are not directed and controlled as much as they are orchestrated. Multiple players are integrated into a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts --an orchestra that plays differently according to the vision of its conductor and the talent of individual musicians.
She writes on the importance of "conflict, not violent conflict, but positive, or constructive, conflict, the kind of conflict that produces non-zero-sum solutions. This the kind of conflict is found on American playing fields, in American courtrooms, and in the American political system. It is the conflict of structured competition, in which losers have a chance to win another day and everyone has a stake in continually improving the game.
". . . Americans are inveterate joines, volunteers, and debaters. Today, however, instead of sewing circles, debating societies, and charity bake sales, Americans have MySpace, blogs . . .and _ Wikipedia"
But the premise is the same: multiple minds clashing and correcting one another in pursuit of the truth. The work of one contributor is open and available for others to use. Participants in this process are trusted to not take advantage of that openess but instead add their own contributions
The Internet world, the wiki world, and the networked world all began in the United States and radiated outward.
Step up. Get close to the edge and network because nets work.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Presentations suspended
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Coming soon - YouTube presentations
It's in the works. Software is installed. Webcam is connected. Microphone is on.
Next . . . keep looking for IE-Network business presentation on YouTube.
I will keep you posted.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A call for talented people - Se solicita
This is a message from my good friend, Carmen. She is, like some of you, extremely talented and exprienced in apparel production and design as well as alterations. Her call is no different than what I have been calling for and I support her. wm
To all talented people in the surroundings of Austin, Round Rock, Georgetown,etc. I am inviting u to get in touch with me at some point to talk about how we as seamstresses or crafters of any kind can make some money for ourselves.The way the economy is right now it is a shame to waste our talents we have and not put them to use. I have a plan for all of us. My name is Carmen and you all can reach me thru my e-mail cm2tx@aol.com or by phone 512.748.9560. Thank you for your attention to this matter
Para todas las personas que son talentosas en costura o manualidades de cualquier especie las invito a que se comuniquen conmigo. Como esta la economia podemos con nuestro talento hacer dinero. Tengo un plan para todas nosotras. Mi nombre es Carmen y se pueden comunicar a traves de mi correo electronico o llamarme al 512.748.9560. Gracias por su attencion a este llamado.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
IE-Network Business Presentation
You are invited to attend a business presentation.
Independent Enterprise Networks
Presenter: Gilbert Torres
Meeting admission is free.
Bring a friend.
1004 N. Mays & Hwy 79 (First United Methodist Church building)
Round Rock, TX 78664
First traffic light FUMC building on right side
Get directions
Who should attend:
Independent contractor / consultants in apparel
Independent contractor / consultants in computer and related
Independent apparel reseller / retailer
Independent computer reseller / retailers
Anybody interested in learning about other fields targeted for IE-Networks
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Mainly Jeans - help
I am re-posting this message from Marie. There's a lot of experience among you all. Share your knowledge with Marie.
Best regards,
I also am starting a clothing line, mainly jeans. I have no clue where to start. I have my sketches I have been working on, no where near perfect, but they get the point across. I have no clue where to find a pattern maker with virtually no money. I need help
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Delivery: Make it good
After avoiding to speak to the issue of how these two view compensation for a service or product delivered I decided to speakout on that issue. I did it because I saw this as an area where both which has a huge undermining affect on what otherwise could be just as huge an affect for greatness.
There is another issue I believe both of you, consultant and retailer are familiar with because you have experienced it at one end or the other of a business transaction. It is the matter of delivery.
Although I have never (except for cross country trucking earning contract pay many years ago) earned my livelihood as a service provider; a consultant. I realize I may be guilty of contributing to the delivery problem. If you scroll down on the left side of my blog to “The Face of Private Ownership” piece with my picture you would know what I mean.
Consultants, and retailers/resellers inasmuch as they are independent, too, are "independent contractor" accountable to no one, but yourself.
The reality is that while that may be your boast it is not all together true. You, consultant and retailer, are accountable to one another for the sake of the customer. It with the customer in mind that the matter of delivery becomes every bit as important as quality.
Although one of the defining points of a consultant status is that he/she does not receive detail instructions as to how the project is to be done. I believe that is the critical problem in the delivery promise, but although it is a legal defining point that does not mean the two parties can not agree to some points regarding delivery.
Suppose you contract on a delivery promise of 10 dresses, or, 10 computer systems at the end of 30 days. Again, legally, the service recipient has no business dictating how you are to get it done. You are just to deliver. However, this is where many consultants and retailers have been burned, either through some poor quality delivered on the 30th day, or incomplete delivery.
How to move pass such a miscarriage of delivering on a promise?
Talk with each other. Take the initiative. Ask if this or that can be done. Offer to do this or that within the first few days.
You are accountable. Deliver on the promise of your accountability. It’s your word. Make it good.
Monday, January 05, 2009
IE-Network Business Presentation
Presenter: Gilbert Torres,
(512) 218-4627
Saturday January 10 @ 10:00AM