Post Index

Monday, May 28, 2007

I'll ally if you ally

Did you hear the one about the giant retailer whose apparel sales were hurting? Or, did you hear the one about the manufacturer whose computer sales were hurting?

They decided to ally.

Sometimes that's what it takes to get us to realize we can't do it alone. Walmart's apparel struggles together with Dell's sluggish computer sales prompted Dell's historic decision. Dell's direct model is all about the absent middleman, but the company is not above working with the largest retailer in the world as middleman.

Dell is counting on the huge network of 3,500 Walmart stores to offset Dell's compromise on profit margin per unit sold.

Once again, corporate giants provide the independent a valuable lesson in the power of networking.

No. One need not wait til it hurts before deciding to do what will result a greater benefit to one's business, health, community and family.

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Check out my new blog in the Austin-American Statesman.

The invitation is open to read and/or post in english or spanish.

Hope to hear from you. WM

Friday, May 25, 2007


Actualmente, hay en el area de Round Rock/Austin
la oportunidad para personas quienes tengan
el conocimiento, habilidad y experiencia
en el diseno, creacion y alteracion de ropa,
por ejemplo:
Vestidos de boda
Ropa casual para todas las edades
Vestidos y
Grande y extras
Si usted posee estas habilidades y se interesa favor de enviar un email:
WorkingMannequin creates the dynamic of apparel networks locally, regionally, state and nationwide.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Customer Satisfaction

The National Retail Federation reports online apparel sales outsold computers in 2006 for the first time since NRF has been tracking that data.The drawback: High number of returned merchandise. This likely would include wrong size, color, fit or other.Why do online and walk-in apparel sales continue to increase regardless of price and inspite of consumer cynicism for rack apparel: "One size fits none."Despite the bland, cookie-cutter rack import offerings I believe this sales "success story" is feeding on customer dissatisfaction and disillusionment.How, you ask?If your apparel purchase made you feel and look good wouldn't you be incline to wear it longer? (Let the "fashion conscious" keep quiet. We're talking reality here.) I believe these frequent, repeat buyers are filling retailer coffers as a result of their last dissatisfaction and disillusionment purchase. They come back, not necessarily to the same retailer, hoping to find: "My fabric. My size. My fit. My style. My price". Their search will continue.What they seek is not extreme, not fantastic. It is what an apparel network direct model of independent contractors and independent retailers can deliver.It's called Customer Satisfaction.

Friday, May 18, 2007



You are invited to come learn
about an opportunity in the Round Rock/Austin area
involving your
Knowledge, Skills and Experience
in the
Design, Creation & Alteration
of apparel

WHERE: Caffé Panini (Conference room)
(Next door to Faith Gift store, formerly Good Books)
1105 S. Mays Ste. 300
Round Rock, TX 78664

COST: Free

WHEN: 9:00AM
Tuesday May 22 & Thursday May 24, 2007

We encourage your support of Caffé Panini for the use of their facility.
Please, call or email number of people attending with you. If you are unable to secure childcare I would be glad to meet with you at another time. Thank you.

Si usted se interesa por obtener mayor informacion favor de enviar un email a mi cargo.

Muchas gracias

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Design, creation and alteration of clothing

Presently, there is an opportunity in the Round Rock/Austin area. If you have the
Knowledge, Skills and Experience in clothing
design, creation and alteration of the following:
Wedding dresses
Quincenera dresses
XL and Plus sizes
US mail: TSR, Inc. 1701 S. Mays Street, Suite J119, Round Rock, TX 78664

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Take Time to make Money. . .

If you had the time to make money how much time would you dedicate?

If you had the money (after personal spending) how would you invest your money to multiply it?

Some of you may be near, or are, already maxed out in the time you dedicate to making your money. . .and struggle to with your net profit, still.

Some of you can say, "the money's very good". . . at what cost of your time?

It's the way to do it, right?

The bold, new concept of direct model Apparel Networks says, NO!

I'll tell you of two with (relatively) little time and money. Yet, as big as they are they
acknowledge the are open to discussing an alliance (network) to enable them to stand against
the competition.

The two? Ford and General Motors.

Ford was number 2 in the world until 5 months ago.
GM was number 1 until 2 weeks ago.
Toyota is now number one, now.

Ford and GM may or may not create an alliance, but they are open to investigate (time) an
idea to increase sales (money). That's more than the countless, and growing, number of
regional retailers such as Caldor, Hills, Ames who were driven to bankruptcy or out of business
by operating costs and the competition.

Independent Apparel Retailers are not exempt from costs and competition.

  • Take time.
  • Learn how Apparel Networks can increase your profits.
  • Do it in an easier, efficient and effective manner.


Blessings to you.