Those of you with whom I have talked or who read my blog are familiar with my thoughts on the consultant/retailer relationship. Really, the unfortunate truth is there has not been much of a relationship between the two; service provider (consultant, enterprise, contractor) and service recipient (retailer, reseller). This, despite the fact both have responded with hope and enthusiasm when they heard about the Independent Enterprise Network model.
After avoiding to speak to the issue of how these two view compensation for a service or product delivered I decided to speakout on that issue. I did it because I saw this as an area where both which has a huge undermining affect on what otherwise could be just as huge an affect for greatness.
There is another issue I believe both of you, consultant and retailer are familiar with because you have experienced it at one end or the other of a business transaction. It is the matter of delivery.
Although I have never (except for cross country trucking earning contract pay many years ago) earned my livelihood as a service provider; a consultant. I realize I may be guilty of contributing to the delivery problem. If you scroll down on the left side of my blog to “The Face of Private Ownership” piece with my picture you would know what I mean.
Consultants, and retailers/resellers inasmuch as they are independent, too, are "independent contractor" accountable to no one, but yourself.
The reality is that while that may be your boast it is not all together true. You, consultant and retailer, are accountable to one another for the sake of the customer. It with the customer in mind that the matter of delivery becomes every bit as important as quality.
Although one of the defining points of a consultant status is that he/she does not receive detail instructions as to how the project is to be done. I believe that is the critical problem in the delivery promise, but although it is a legal defining point that does not mean the two parties can not agree to some points regarding delivery.
Suppose you contract on a delivery promise of 10 dresses, or, 10 computer systems at the end of 30 days. Again, legally, the service recipient has no business dictating how you are to get it done. You are just to deliver. However, this is where many consultants and retailers have been burned, either through some poor quality delivered on the 30th day, or incomplete delivery.
How to move pass such a miscarriage of delivering on a promise?
Talk with each other. Take the initiative. Ask if this or that can be done. Offer to do this or that within the first few days.
You are accountable. Deliver on the promise of your accountability. It’s your word. Make it good.
After avoiding to speak to the issue of how these two view compensation for a service or product delivered I decided to speakout on that issue. I did it because I saw this as an area where both which has a huge undermining affect on what otherwise could be just as huge an affect for greatness.
There is another issue I believe both of you, consultant and retailer are familiar with because you have experienced it at one end or the other of a business transaction. It is the matter of delivery.
Although I have never (except for cross country trucking earning contract pay many years ago) earned my livelihood as a service provider; a consultant. I realize I may be guilty of contributing to the delivery problem. If you scroll down on the left side of my blog to “The Face of Private Ownership” piece with my picture you would know what I mean.
Consultants, and retailers/resellers inasmuch as they are independent, too, are "independent contractor" accountable to no one, but yourself.
The reality is that while that may be your boast it is not all together true. You, consultant and retailer, are accountable to one another for the sake of the customer. It with the customer in mind that the matter of delivery becomes every bit as important as quality.
Although one of the defining points of a consultant status is that he/she does not receive detail instructions as to how the project is to be done. I believe that is the critical problem in the delivery promise, but although it is a legal defining point that does not mean the two parties can not agree to some points regarding delivery.
Suppose you contract on a delivery promise of 10 dresses, or, 10 computer systems at the end of 30 days. Again, legally, the service recipient has no business dictating how you are to get it done. You are just to deliver. However, this is where many consultants and retailers have been burned, either through some poor quality delivered on the 30th day, or incomplete delivery.
How to move pass such a miscarriage of delivering on a promise?
Talk with each other. Take the initiative. Ask if this or that can be done. Offer to do this or that within the first few days.
You are accountable. Deliver on the promise of your accountability. It’s your word. Make it good.
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