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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Network Next Door

Texas has the unique distinction for the highest number of displaced apparel workers from manufacturing and retail sectors. What that means is that in a state where Dallas once reigned in apparel merchandising and El Paso was the envy of apparel manufacturing there are large and increasing numbers of people with their Knowledge, Skills, and Experience (KSE), still.

These people have not disappeared. They have lost their employment, not their resources.

They live next to you.

They are for the most part without organization and getting by having found refuge in customer call centers, plastic injection plants and other jobs.

Working Mannequin recognizes these individuals as vital, valueable partners in a renewed and recharged apparel opportunity, both, for themselves, apparel retailers and others. This will not happen through mass-production facilities nor their jobs.

It will happen as they take their KSE and join with Independent Apparel Retailers to

create the network next door, across town, in the region,
state and nation.

Networks provide the acceptable alternative to consumer cynicism of mass production apparel:
"One size fits none."

Against mega-corporations and foreign competition local networks provide affordable customization, design, fashion shows, on-demand service, reduced inventory, an expanding KSE pool and more.

It is a direct model.

This far-reaching impact of apparel networks between Independent Contractors and Independent Retailers will extend as well to their neighborhood cousins; fabric retailers, and, textile. Who better than fabric retailers and textile to supply the more than 40 million, according to Home Sewing Association, people who sew whether for leisure or profit?

So, what are you doing with your resources next door?

Share your ideas with other readers.

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