Post Index

Saturday, January 31, 2009

America's Edge

I tend to draw connections between things. Sometimes that leaves people with a "whuh?" look on their face. I read this article America's Edge: Power in the Networked Century by Anne-Marie Slaughter in Foreign Affairs. She writes about the advantage the US has over all other countries because of its democratic and cultural environment where networking and the efficiencies, innovation associated with it thrive. She makes her point on the value of networks whether in government, business, competing to win and voluntary contributions such as Wikipedia. I won't burden you with the entire article. This is the opening paragraph with following excerpts.

We live in a networked world. War is networked: the power of terrorists and the militaries that would defeat them depend on small, mobile groups of warriors connected to one another and to intelligence, communications, and support networks. Diplomacy is networked: managing international crises -- from SARS to climate change -- requires mobilizing international networks of public and private actors. Business is networked: every CEO advice manual published in the past decade has focused on the shift from the vertical world of hierarchy to the horizontal world of networks. Media are networked: online blogs and other forms of participatory media depend on contributions from readers to create a vast, networked conversation. Society is networked: the world of MySpace is creating a global world of "OurSpace," linking hundreds of millions of individuals across continents. Even religion is networked: as the pastor Rick Warren has argued, "The only thing big enough to solve the problems of spiritual emptiness, selfish leadership, poverty, disease, and ignorance is the network of millions of churches all around the world."

. . . and here the first sentence of the second paragraph:

In this world, the measure of power is connectedness.

and more

Businesses in the United States can orchestrate global networks of producers and suppliers. Consumers can buy locally, from revived local agricultural and customized small-business economies, and at the same time globally, from anywhere that can advertise online. The United States has the potential to be the most innovative and dynamic society anywhere in the world.
The power that flows from this type of connectivity is not the power to impose outcomes. Networks are not directed and controlled as much as they are orchestrated. Multiple players are integrated into a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts --an orchestra that plays differently according to the vision of its conductor and the talent of individual musicians.
She writes on the importance of "conflict, not violent conflict, but positive, or constructive, conflict, the kind of conflict that produces non-zero-sum solutions. This the kind of conflict is found on American playing fields, in American courtrooms, and in the American political system. It is the conflict of structured competition, in which losers have a chance to win another day and everyone has a stake in continually improving the game.

It is also the conflict of creative destruction, the process of destroying old business models to make way for new ones.

". . . Americans are inveterate joines, volunteers, and debaters. Today, however, instead of sewing circles, debating societies, and charity bake sales, Americans have MySpace, blogs . . .and _ Wikipedia"

But the premise is the same: multiple minds clashing and correcting one another in pursuit of the truth. The work of one contributor is open and available for others to use. Participants in this process are trusted to not take advantage of that openess but instead add their own contributions

The Internet world, the wiki world, and the networked world all began in the United States and radiated outward.

Step up. Get close to the edge and network because nets work.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Presentations suspended

Business presentations for next two weeks are suspended. We expect to have online YouTube presentations for your viewing when we resume presentations.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Coming soon - YouTube presentations


It's in the works. Software is installed. Webcam is connected. Microphone is on.

Next . . . keep looking for IE-Network business presentation on YouTube.

I will keep you posted.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

A call for talented people - Se solicita


This is a message from my good friend, Carmen. She is, like some of you, extremely talented and exprienced in apparel production and design as well as alterations. Her call is no different than what I have been calling for and I support her. wm

* * *

To all talented people in the surroundings of Austin, Round Rock, Georgetown,etc. I am inviting u to get in touch with me at some point to talk about how we as seamstresses or crafters of any kind can make some money for ourselves.The way the economy is right now it is a shame to waste our talents we have and not put them to use. I have a plan for all of us. My name is Carmen and you all can reach me thru my e-mail or by phone 512.748.9560. Thank you for your attention to this matter

Para todas las personas que son talentosas en costura o manualidades de cualquier especie las invito a que se comuniquen conmigo. Como esta la economia podemos con nuestro talento hacer dinero. Tengo un plan para todas nosotras. Mi nombre es Carmen y se pueden comunicar a traves de mi correo electronico o llamarme al 512.748.9560. Gracias por su attencion a este llamado.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

IE-Network Business Presentation

You are invited to attend a business presentation.

Independent Enterprise Networks

Presenter: Gilbert Torres
TSR, Inc. founder / owner
(512) 218-4627

Saturday January 24 @ 10:00AM

Meeting admission is free.

Bring a friend.

1004 N. Mays & Hwy 79 (First United Methodist Church building)
Round Rock, TX 78664
First traffic light FUMC building on right side
Get directions

Who should attend:

Independent contractor / consultants in apparel

Independent contractor / consultants in computer and related

Independent apparel reseller / retailer

Independent computer reseller / retailers

Anybody interested in learning about other fields targeted for IE-Networks

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Mainly Jeans - help



I am re-posting this message from Marie. There's a lot of experience among you all. Share your knowledge with Marie.

Best regards,


I also am starting a clothing line, mainly jeans. I have no clue where to start. I have my sketches I have been working on, no where near perfect, but they get the point across. I have no clue where to find a pattern maker with virtually no money. I need help

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Delivery: Make it good

Those of you with whom I have talked or who read my blog are familiar with my thoughts on the consultant/retailer relationship. Really, the unfortunate truth is there has not been much of a relationship between the two; service provider (consultant, enterprise, contractor) and service recipient (retailer, reseller). This, despite the fact both have responded with hope and enthusiasm when they heard about the Independent Enterprise Network model.

After avoiding to speak to the issue of how these two view compensation for a service or product delivered I decided to speakout on that issue. I did it because I saw this as an area where both which has a huge undermining affect on what otherwise could be just as huge an affect for greatness.

There is another issue I believe both of you, consultant and retailer are familiar with because you have experienced it at one end or the other of a business transaction. It is the matter of delivery.

Although I have never (except for cross country trucking earning contract pay many years ago) earned my livelihood as a service provider; a consultant. I realize I may be guilty of contributing to the delivery problem. If you scroll down on the left side of my blog to “The Face of Private Ownership” piece with my picture you would know what I mean.

Consultants, and retailers/resellers inasmuch as they are independent, too, are "independent contractor" accountable to no one, but yourself.

The reality is that while that may be your boast it is not all together true. You, consultant and retailer, are accountable to one another for the sake of the customer. It with the customer in mind that the matter of delivery becomes every bit as important as quality.

Although one of the defining points of a consultant status is that he/she does not receive detail instructions as to how the project is to be done. I believe that is the critical problem in the delivery promise, but although it is a legal defining point that does not mean the two parties can not agree to some points regarding delivery.

Suppose you contract on a delivery promise of 10 dresses, or, 10 computer systems at the end of 30 days. Again, legally, the service recipient has no business dictating how you are to get it done. You are just to deliver. However, this is where many consultants and retailers have been burned, either through some poor quality delivered on the 30th day, or incomplete delivery.

How to move pass such a miscarriage of delivering on a promise?

Talk with each other. Take the initiative. Ask if this or that can be done. Offer to do this or that within the first few days.

You are accountable. Deliver on the promise of your accountability. It’s your word. Make it good.

Monday, January 05, 2009

IE-Network Business Presentation

You are invited to attend a business presentation.

Independent Enterprise Networks

Presenter: Gilbert Torres,

TSR, Inc. founder / owner
(512) 218-4627

Saturday January 10 @ 10:00AM

Meeting admission is free.

Bring a friend.

1004 N. Mays & Hwy 79 (First United Methodist Church building)

Round Rock, TX 78664

First traffic light FUMC building on right side

Who should attend:

Independent contractor / consultants in apparel
Independent contractor / consultants in computer and related
Independent apparel reseller / retailer
Independent computer reseller / retailers

Anybody interested in learning about other fields targeted for