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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pants startup in Austin

Introducing Will Marvin. This is his call for your talent. Give him a call. gt


Your "Working Mannequin" blogspot just caught my interest and I am wondering if you might be able to help me with something I'm working on.

I have this particular style of pants that I'm trying to recreate and start a small business out of it. I am looking to work with some local Austin seamstresses to do the cut and sewing. I have the pattern and original pair of pants that I got the style from and am going to grade/mark them for sizes extra-small through extra-large.

I'm currently looking for somewhere to source the right types of fabric and, as soon as I have these things in line, I will be looking to have a couple samples made and eventually move forward with an order of around 60 items, to start out.

I'm very interested in the business model you put forward on your blog that uses readily available independent contractors.
Please let me know if you are still in this line of work and can help me in any way.

Thanks very much, and hope I to hear back from you soon.

Will Marvin


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nikki searching for pattern maker

Introducing Nikki,

Nikki lives in Houston. She is searching for a pattern maker and a manufacturer for her startup women's head apparel business. She has sketches and not a lot of startup capital.

Next, she is looking for a sewing contractor to make a small order (100) for testing with family and friends.

I could be mistaken, but I do not think a manufacturer would have much interest in a small order. In any case if you are a manufacturer call Nikki. If you a consultant who has the talent and are eager to take up an opportunity go for it.
Nikki is willing to drive to Austin, but I know some of you on my Distribution List (DL) live in or near Houston.

Help each other. Work with each other.

If anyone has knowledge of these pattern makers please share that with Nikki.

Superior Pattern Works Inc
1524 Mesquite Street, Houston, TX 77093-1041
(281) 442-1422

Fagan Pattern CO
6929 Romona Boulevard
Houston, TX 77086-3220

Orsak Pattern & Machine (see Facebook)
501 N Lavaca, Moulton, TX 77975-4518

Visit me on Facebook:

I really encourage and invite you all to send me a friend request and you so you can write on my wall, share and discuss ideas and events in apparel related to your personal or business interests.

Selected blog articles:

Best regards,


Saturday, January 21, 2012

School district Board of Trustees presentation on middle school students and computer ownership . . . beginning in Round Rock

How do you increase computer ownership among middle school students in our current economy? How important is it given the state of our education system in America? How can we profess to encourage, involve and increase our children's commitment to their own education if many of them continue to disconnect with the cyber world of knowledge and information as soon as they leave the school classroom? How do you create an income generating opportunity for computer hobbyists, computer technicians, electrical engineers and others?

This is my two-prong proposal to school district Board of Trustees and Superintendents. It is a local, regional, state and nationwide proposal. The proposal involves no cost to these school districts. Rather it is a grassroots partnership between community citizens and local vendors and resellers. Along with community and local vendors and resellers are nonprofit agencies. It is the role of these nonprofits whose mission is the improvement of the well-being and education of our children who compensate those who build or setup these computer systems. This partnership makes laptop/desktop computer ownership among middle school students a real possibility for children who have little hope of owning a computer.

The city of Round Rock Texas estimates 95% of its homes have internet access. The school district estimates 80% of homes have a computer. However, the district acknowledges this figure drops dramatically when applied to middle school students, specifically. Some school district issue laptops year round for their high school students. This is commendable.

Whether computer hobbyists, computer technicians and others who build or setup (at the child's home or local churches) are motivated by economic or altruistic reasons this two-prong proposal is an effective and efficient response to four realities affecting middle school children.

1. The gaps in these numbers reveal an unacceptable reality for our middle school children.

2. At-home computer & online technologies do not translate to access for children necessarily.

3. Ownership of school-issue laptops does not bridge the gap of a three month summer break.

4. This technology gap leaves children behind at the top of the poverty list in America.

Thus far I have presented my proposal to the Round Rock ISD, Georgetown ISD with Austin ISD upcoming in January 2012 and Pflugerville ISD in February 2012. I am calling on these Boards or their Superintends to write a letter of support on my behalf to their nonprofit partners. All nonprofit funds are for to compensate those citizens of the community who build and/or setup laptop/desktop computer systems for the middle school students.

Our cities, small and large, will soon see increasing numbers of returning military men and women. The opportunity for them to connect and contribute while earnings some income may go a long way towards their transition back into the community, their families and their own school children.
If you are a computer hobbyist, computer technician, electrical engineer or other or know someone who would like to make a difference among middle school children; I want to hear from you.
Reply to this article with your questions or comments.