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Sunday, July 22, 2007

All Dressed up, but can't compute?

I often ask myself if readers might feel all dressed through what they read in my blogs, but can't compute what this is about. I accept that burden as my responsibility to communicate repeatedly and with constant improvement this message. So, here goes.

WorkingMannequin is my original blog. IMWORKquinES is my secondary blog. WorkingMannequin and IMWORKquinES blogs are the voice (you may call them
alter-egos) of Torres Strategic Resources, Inc. The mission of TSR is to build and develop IC-Networks.

If major corporations through their chainstores and franchises can conduct business locally, regionally, state and nationwide and earn money, why don't you?

The reason you do not is because:

1 You're working a job, and

2 You're going at it alone

You've got:

1 A job that may makes you a lot of money, but it's not how much you make, but how much you keep. How are you leveraging tax law to your advantage?

2 However much money you make it's what YOU make. . .alone. How are you replicating yourself to increase your income?

Thus far, our focus has been on apparel and white-box computers more recently. Our belief is people in these and many other fields have acquired and accumulated the Knowledge, Skills and Experience (KSE) to enable them to create an enterprise of their own.

Some of these fields include: Computer Networking, Satellite dish installation, cable installation, AC installation/repair

Others: Healthy Home meals, housekeeping, landscaping, home improvement

Others: Home Auto oil change/minor tuneups

Yes, some of these fields may require state certification compliance, but would you let that prevent you from doing what you know to do for yourself?

Networks are nothing new. The TSR Independent Contractor Networks model is true to the definition of the independent. ICs are nobody's employee TSR included. They do not receive salaries or quotas from TSR. They are in compliance with the federal government and IRS guidelines and regulations as to what constitutes independent contractors.

I see a lot of small computer shops and apparel manufacturers with 4 to 10 employees. I commend them. However, they exist because of the KSE of those employees who've probably never taken stock of their KSE or thought about how they could build their own enterprise.

TSR provides the IC-Network model that can enable them, and you, to build that enterprise whether in apparel, computers or housekeeping.

It's not just about getting all dressed up. Start computing your assessment of your own KSE.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Textile, fabric and (independent) retail

I add the necessary qualifier of "independent" with retail so as to distinguish it from the mega corporation chainstores.
Over the past ten to fifteen years these three, but textile and fabric in particular, have seen huge, in some cases, catastrophic economic forces weigh into them. The result, even if we do not understand them, have been textile mills closing down, fabric stores unable to move domestic fabrics against foreign-made fabric.
All this has happened with little or no support from Washington despite high level, well organized efforts by these industries. Go to the link below for an example of this high level, urgent pleas from the US textile industry. and
Read with special attention the paragraphs at the bottom of pages 3 and 4:

"Others produce almost entirely in the United States. . ." pg 3

"The textile and apparel industry has gone through very difficult changes. . ." pg 4

All this begs the question: What is the independent retailer doing in the apparel sector? I quizzed a retailer, after doing my research, about the existence of an independent apparel retailers' organization or association. She replied, no, but she said, it sounds like a great idea.

Any such organization among independent apparel retailers would come as a by-product of apparel networks. The fact is that along the way to these retailers restructuring their supply and procurement ways textile and fabric stand to be among the beneficiares.

So, what prevents this from happening? I could be wrong, but my guess is these retailers have never figured prominently with textile or fabric producers and wholesalers. Yet, retailers continue to conduct business as usual. I do not wish to suggest they cease to do business, but I would urge retailers explore other options:

Networking with independent contractors as their local supplier for all their apparel needs.

One would be hardpressed to name a business idea that did not receive more than a few turned up noses, but think of those individuals as latecomers. While you get underway turning around your business they will come around, too.